Formation and influence

After choosing a scenario to address, you will develop a comprehensive response to this person (or these people). An attempt was made to capture more practical concerns than theological debates. While seminary students enjoy theological disputations, the majority of issues that arise in churches and Christian organizations involve much more practical matters. Christian leaders get about 10 questions regarding divorce to every one question about the nature of the Trinity. For this assignment, choose and focus on one scenario found in the “Formation and Influence Scenarios” document. In a paper of 1,750-2,000 words, consider the following concerning your chosen scenario: Part 1: Address necessary biblical and theological truths for consideration, presenting a summary of theological foundations and a clear argument for their significance and relevancy. Part 2: Address the experience of the hypothetical person in his or her particular scenario and discuss how ethical principles in Scripture would help form Christian values. Part 3: Address an application of Parts 1 and 2 by offering spiritual guidance to the hypothetical person that would help resolve the hypothetical question asked.

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