Founding Principles of the United States of America


Comparative Essay: Compare Federalist and Anti-Federalist thought Founding Principles of the United States of America; Federalism and the Nature of the USA


These will be short, five-paragraph thesis papers (2 pages max),
typed and the breakdown of the assignment is as follows:
Paragraph 1: Intro to the issue and your thesis answer: what makes viewpoint (A or B) preferable?

Paragraph 2: Summary of viewpoint A with direct page citations from text, give
of argument.

Paragraph 3: Summary of viewpoint B with direct page citations from text, give Pros of argument.

Paragraph 4: Analysis and weighing of arguments, explain any cons for both (A & B) arguments.

Paragraph 5: Evaluation of argument favored (A or B) and wrapping up why it is favored

Comparative Essay: Compare Federalist and Anti-Federalist thought
Founding Principles of the United States of America; Federalism and the Nature of the USA



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