Four market segment groups

  1. Identify the four market segment groups based on brand loyalty status and list what a company can learn from analyzing the degrees of brand loyalty.
  2. Describe how a marketer can develop effective brand positioning. Provide one real-world example.
  3. Describe the valuable functions brands can perform for a firm, the function of brand tracking studies, and the meaning and function of a brand audit.
  4. How can a marketer compete when it enters the growth phase of the product life cycle? Provide a real-world example.

and than answer this in an essay APA format:

please answer those in a essay:

Submit answers to the following in essay form

  1. Identify the major competitors in the blue jeans market.
  2. Who has the leading market share, whose shares have declined?
  3. What segmentation is (has) occurring/occurred in the blue jeans market and why?
  4. Did demographic changes affect the market (from baby boomers to Gen X or Gen Y)?
  5. What competitive signs, symbols, events, or occurrences did Levi-Strauss miss?
  6. What current shifts in competition and channel power is occurring and what can Levi-Strauss do to minimize the impact from these changes?

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