Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

Choose ONE of the following questions to answer. Your answer should be in essay form and be 3 pages single lined in length. Please use MLA citations.

  1. Considering the eras: The Scientific Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, the American and French Revolutions, the Industrial Revolution, and the Romantic Era, chose 3 characters from Frankenstein who you think best exemplify each era. The ratio should be one unique character for each era.
  2. During the Scientific Revolution, Renée Descartes encouraged people to systematically doubt everything they had been taught and he was convinced that the most basic concept people can deduce is that “I think, therefore I am.” What sorts of societal and scientific assumptions was Mary Shelly questioning in Frankenstein? Did she contend that thinking was the only prerequisite for life?
  3. What was significant about Mary Shelly writing Frankenstein? Consider her background, gender, nationality, and the time in which she lived. Introduction: Well-developed introductory paragraph contains the question and how the author will answer it. Contains context around the novel.
    Body: This section argues a specific answer to the question. Body of paper stays focused on the answer Any examples are properly cited.
    Conclusion: Conclusion restates the question and how the response has answered it.
    Writing Mechanics: Paper is coherently organized, there are no spelling or grammatical errors, Citations are properly formatted, Writing is clear and concise.

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