Free Will v. Determinism


After reviewing the PPT Notes for this week, I want you to think about how free will and determinism affects your life and how your family’s views influence you.
Answer the following questions in an initial post of at least 250 words. Respond to two classmates’ posts.

  1. Do you think your family’s philosophy is closer to free will or closer to determinism? Were you punished or reprimanded based on the choices you made? Did you family recognize how other factors could have determined your actions? Share an example.
  2. When you think about your life, what do you now see are the deterministic forces that influenced your life path? What are the free will choices?
    Response 1: My family’s philosophy is all about determinism. If you did not do what was best for the family you needed to think again. I was more reprimanded they believed in punishment fits the crime a disagreement in beliefs did not warrant punishment just a reeducated. When I was growing up they really were not to big on looking at other factors. However when I got older and making my own decisions they could see other view points. Like how I did not want my biological dad in my life because he did not make an effort to be in mine. They tried to talk me into it but in the end I did what was best for me.
    Deterministic forces are always around if you value all your family you tend to believe a lot of what they believe yet free will is when you get older and more and more people with differing beliefs enter your life. Free will choices are choices you have control of. For example, you quit your job, you get married, divorced. Things like this. Deterministic forces what happens to you mother dies father leaves and etc.
    Response 2:I am not really sure if my family’s philosophy is closer to free will or determinism. This is a tough one for me. I believe that God determines the course of everything. I also believe that our choices determine the course of our lives. I am not sure if that makes any sense. I made the choice to use drugs, I am not sure that God would have chosen that for me. What I am sure of though is that because of my choice, He allowed me to use my story to help others. I was punished as a child for the choices I made. I got in trouble when I was nine because I was playing with my nephew and my sister thought I hit him. We were only playing. My mom sent me to my room. I packed a bag and sneaked out the back door and went to my friend’s house two blocks away. When I went home I got a spanking and was grounded to my room. Did my mom recognize how other factors could have played out? No, because I still got in trouble and was telling the truth.
    The deterministic forces that influenced my life path I believe were events that happened in the past. My mom and dad divorced when I was five. My mom had several relationships. Mom was working more than she was home to support us.

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