Funding Parameters and Criteria

The American Society for Health Improvement (ASHI) is requesting applications that will address and overcome specific barriers that impede positive healthy behaviors and positive health outcomes within a specific priority population. Successful applications will establish targeted programs, policies, and/or systems that address specific variables that impact positive health promotion or disease prevention. For example, applicants may:

  1. Implement a theory-based intervention that will reduce a specific negative behavior and/or increase a positive, health promoting behavior within a specific priority population.
  2. Implement health education and outreach through the use of experienced community health workers and/or patient navigators with existing community-based partnerships.
  3. Implement an effective health communication campaign or communication system that includes theory-based communication and decision aids to motivate healthy behavior.
  4. Provide programs that improve participants’ access to and use of health education or medical services (e.g., mammography) as part of a comprehensive approach to reducing barriers to positive health behaviors. Note: Programs attempting to increase a specific health screening test in a specific priority population must provide means for program participants to easily and inexpensively receive needed follow-up tests and treatment – if their screening test was positive.
  5. Systematically track, measure and report positive health behaviors, screening behavior (e.g. mammogram rates), or health outcomes by race, SES, and ethnicity.
  6. Implement or enhance institutional or community policies that identify at-risk individuals and actively engage them in health promotion/disease prevention.

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