Future of social work practice

  1. What do you think will be the most important aspect for the future of social work practice with older adults
    (e.g., technology, policy, changes to nursing homes)? How will generational cohort characteristics impact
    current and future practice? What do you hope aging will look like when you are 80?
  2. What types of technology do you think are important for older people? How could this technology improve
    their lives? Complicate them? What design features could create technology that supports actively aging? As a
    social worker, what can you do to assist older people with technology?
  3. After learning about some alternative ways to actively age (e.g., cruise ship, co-op, etc.), what might you
    envision for yourself? How could that arrangement meet your aging needs? What kinds of challenges can you
    anticipate associated with this plan? What would you need in terms of resources and capital to make it a
  4. Self-assessment/reflection: Prepare a self-assessment addressing your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about
    the use of artificial intelligence (AI) discussed in Chapter 12. What are your hopes and fears with regard to AI?
    What do you see as the barriers to its use? Think about some supports or resources you could access to
    overcome such barriers in order to make use of this technology in practice.
    Consider the following question, “Does it make sense to create public policy that allocates resources to support
    aging in place?” Yes/No. Explain your answer.
  5. As discussed in Chapter 12, outreach to older men can be particularly challenging as they tend to be more
    socially isolated than women. “Men’s Sheds” were featured as one way to address this issue. Investigate an
    alternative way to engage older men to address issues of social isolation, loneliness, and/or health needs.
    Describe a proposed program(s)and how social workers could have a role in the program(s).
  6. Bonus Points: Hot topic/social problem and advocacy: Select and review a current hot topic/social problem
    relevant to the future of social work practice with older adults. Provide a summary (2 paragraphs). Summarize
    the key points and briefly address the topic’s relevance to social work with older adults. Finally, how would you
    advocate for older adults and their families?

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