Gaining self-awareness with your emotional state.

First, discuss how you feel your emotional state. Reflect on how you are typically when it comes to your emotions (e.g. stressed, worried, anxious, happy, positive…). Discuss how you respond to stressful, new, and challenging situations. Discuss how your body typically feels (e.g.muscle tension, migraines, stomach problems…).

Secondly, complete the all of Self-Assessment tests in Chapter 2 and completely fill out the Stress Profile (Lab 2.2).

Thirdly, discuss your reaction to the Stress Profile and your results from the tests. Were there any surprises? Do the results of the tests and stress profile match your own image of yourself? Explain how and why you think they matched or not.

Lastly, reflect on this project (what you learned) and discuss what you might be able to do differently to handle stressful and challenging situations better.

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