Gang intelligence officer

You are the gang intelligence officer for a large maximum-security prison. There has been an increase in
gang violence, and from all the information you are getting, this could be just the beginning, as the tensions
between racial groups are increasing, and a few more incidents could cause an all-out gang war. You have
briefed the warden and the leadership teams, and they have asked you to come back within forty-eight
hours with a plan of action. What do you do? Where do you start?
Outline your plan to include the major steps to be taken in both the short term and the long term.
Can you come up with a title, please?
make sure the words count only with the essay part.
The assignments are designed to gauge your understanding and learning of a particular learning outcome
for the course. You should spend some time with the essays to ensure they are free from excessive
grammatical and spelling errors. They require a minimum of 250 words and must be submitted in MS Word

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