Gang related crime including youth violence in London

Produce a 2,400 word document in the style of a JDiBrief in which you will outline possible approaches to the prevention and reduction of one particular crime or anti-social behaviour Crime you will focus on-Gang/Youth Violence in London. The structure of the JDiBrief will incorporate the following: o A summary of the key points of the JDiBrief (1 page, 400 words) o A crime overview giving a definition of the problem(forms of gang crime e.g drug,kidnapping) , problem trends (give figures or table or graph) and an account of the harm caused by the problem (1 page, 500 words) o An analysis of the problem, giving details of characteristics of offenders, targets and locations (1 page, 500 words) e.g include recent wave in knife and murders in london in 2018 with real life cases e.g Tanesha Melbourne-Blake.Also include graphs and statistics from MOPAC dashboards,London Assembly. o An account of key information on implementing responses discussing evidence in terms of reduction or prevention of the problem, highlighting the most promising approaches and considering those that are less likely to work or harder to implement (1 page, 500 words) e.g London Exit and Project Chrysalis,Partnership with schools.

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