Gattaca: Movie Response

The possibility of “designer babies” has led to mixed reactions in the scientific world. On one hand, genetic modification allows for the destruction of mutations and diseases prior to birth. On the other hand, these advances in biotechnology could lead to occupational favorability, societal categorization, and the construction of a new caste system. Choose your side, and write a detailed essay that dissects the issue of designer babies.

If you were to have children today and the technology was available and affordable, would you choose to genetically engineer your children (screening embryos for the best possible combinations of alleles/traits)?

a. If so, to what extent would you want to control the outcome? Would you simply eliminate the possibilities of certain diseases or birth defects, or would you want to choose the sex, physical traits, and possibly the academic, athletic or artistic abilities of your child? How far is too far?

b. If not, would you be more open to the idea if you lived in a society where many other people were genetically engineering their children and you would risk putting your child at a disadvantage by conceiving naturally?

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