GE Healthcare International Analysis Application Research Report


Research the firm’s international presence and strategy. Look for evidence of globalization of both sales
(globalization of markets) and production. Look for sales/revenues/profits by country or region and for evidence
of recent expansion. Also, look for vehicles of expansion, such as exporting, acquisitions, joint ventures, and
Analyze the information in the context of international strategy frameworks presented in the readings. What
does the firm’s globalization behavior indicate regarding the international strategy dimensions of
standardization/low-cost, localization/differentiation, and transnationalization? Based on an understanding of
the firm’s competitive advantage, what is being leveraged internationally, and how is internationalization of the
firm shaping its competitive advantage? How is it shaping the firm’s ROIC in the short run versus the long run?
Break down the ROIC based on expansion efforts and the impact it has had on the firm over time. See if you
can correlate changes to this metric with decisions and actions made within the organization.
Report your findings as a description of the firm’s international and foreign market entry strategy. Include
critical commentary or analysis to indicate the “fitness” of the observed strategy with the strategy criteria from
the readings. Does the analysis indicate strategic opportunities and threats that have not yet been considered
in the firm analysis? Are there some strategic alternatives in the global business environment that better fit the
company’s competitive advantage? Are opportunities evident internationally that require investments in
Possible outline below (you do not have to include those that are not relevant to your organization):
Globalization of
Vehicles of expansion
International strategy
Competitive advantage leveraged internationally?
ROIC impacts

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