Gender Binaries at Marion Shopping Centre

Gender Binaries at Marion Shopping Centre
Binary Mind Map
Writer, please follow the following instructions carefully in the production of the mind map. This assessment task is worth 45% of my grade. I have had bad experiences with other writers in the past with the quality of work. Please make sure the work you do is high quality. Although this task involved a trip to a shopping centre, it is obvious that you cannot make the trip so I have provided a link to give you some ideas about the shopping centre:
There is no referencing required for this task.
Please use Australian English language. So for example organization would be spelt organisation in Australian.
Below are some ideas as to what you can use on the mind map as I made a trip to the shopping centre to get some ideas. You can use these ideas and include your own to build the mind map based on your own observations when you go to an any other shopping centre.
central idea: ‘gender binaries at Marion’- so this will go in the middle of the mind map.
These headings could work as the main ‘branches’ coming off the central idea of ‘gender binaries at Marion’ then have ideas coming off the main headings:
•    Consumers
•    Staff- Stereo staff for particular stores
•    Conversations

Architecture of the building and location:
•    Layout- Woman clothes more prominent
•    Physical binaries
•    Toilets and Amenities

•    Signage
•    Manikins

My assessment involves a trip to Marion shopping centre, where we are tasked with a reflection on gender binaries – in many and varied forms!
You are to produce a map – in the form of your choosing.
The map will involve presenting – in the form of your choice – how gender binaries ‘structure’ Marion shopping centre and our experience of it.
You will explore how gender binaries are working here in the following ways:
•    Architecture of the building and location
•    Toilets and Amenities
•    Consumers – for example body language, gender performativity, identities
•    Division of labour – for example who is doing what? (both workers and shoppers)
•    Families and couples
•    Public Displays of Intimacy
•    Workers
•    Consumer items and consumer culture – for example consumer items and choice of products, representation of gender in advertising, who is buying what?
•    Leisure and ‘play’
•    Security, rules and policing

The above headings will help you to think about how gender binaries might be working at Marion shopping centre. These headings could work as the main ‘branches’ coming off the central idea of ‘gender binaries at Marion’-  Feel free to make up some more headings/branches! Also, this is YOUR mind map. These headings are a guide – construct the mind map in the way you like (you may decide not to use these headings but represent the ideas in different ways)
What is a Mind Map?
A mind map is a visual and diagrammatic representation of topics and ideas. The visual structure represents concepts and ideas with images, colours, symbols and key words. A typical mind map will have a central idea, with ideas branching into their subsections. At the centre of a mind map is a key concept, idea or question – in this case gender binaries. This is then expanded into sub-concepts, which are grouped and connected through a system of branches. While there is no compulsory structure, below are some guides to explain how to construct a mind map.

Constructing a Mind Map?
Watch the following videos for basic explanations about constructing mind maps:  – of course for this exercise the topics of ‘Johnny’, ‘Chrissy’ and ‘Egypt’ is replaced with Gender Binaries at Marion (and LOL, couldn’t we analyse ‘Chrissy’ in relation to gender!):

In what form do you present the Mind Map?
There are several ways you can present the mind map for assessment (you will not be marked up or down for choosing one form over other)
1.    Using pen and paper on an A3 size sheet, or a larger poster format. Then scanned and uploaded as a PDF.
2.    A Word Document
3.    Any other format you can think of! But make sure I will be able to open the file… I think word or PDF is best….

Assessing the Mind Map
Even though this is a very different kind of assessment than you are used to, the mind map will assess your ability to demonstrate your understanding of concepts and ideas covered so far. It allows a level of creativity, and the ability to pick up on a large range of points (without having to describe each in detail as you would do in an essay).
You will be drawing on your understanding of theoretical ideas from Module 1, and seeing how they ‘play out’ in a real life context.
So what are these concepts and ideas? In the first module, we have explored the following theories and ideas in relation to gender binaries each week:

•    Biological essentialism – equating sex to gender
•    Gender Characteristics – masculine and feminine characteristics
•    Gender Inequalities – for eg roles in public/private spheres, work and division of labour
•    Gender and sexuality norms – for eg heteronormativity, norms of sex and privacy, regulation of children, class/ gender/respectability, marginalising non-normative identities
•    Gender Performativity
•    Race/Class and Gender Intersections.
Just like any assessment activity, you will be assessed on your ability to represent these ideas in terms of complexity, sophistication and depth of understanding. Of course, you only use headings, key words, and symbols – but through these you demonstrate the different features and gender binaries.

Picking up on some of the basics from Module 1 will achieve a pass, and a more complex and detailed map will achieve a higher grade. See below for an Assessment  Rubric that we will use as a guide (adapted from O’Conner 2015. Use of Mind map as an Assessment Tool)
Excellent    Very Good    Good    Satisfactory
Comprehensiveness     A wide range of topics and concepts are represented in the mind map.

The map demonstrates a creative presentation of concepts, and a level of critical awareness of how gender binaries are working.

The maps presents a sophisticated synthesis and presentation of the concepts    A wide range of topics and concepts are represented in the mind map.

The map demonstrates a creative presentation of concepts, and a level of critical awareness of how gender binaries are working.

The map has adequate representation of each topic and sub topic to demonstrate a sound understanding of the concepts.

Some more concepts and ideas could have been integrated     There map presents some basic ideas about gender binaries
Organisation and Layout    The map is well organised with element integration and topics linked where appropriate.

The branch structure is sophisticated.    The map is very well organised with element integration and topics linked where appropriate.
The map is organised with a sound number of branches and elements.    The map is arranged with a basic amount of elements.
Knowledge and Understanding:    The map integrates elements and reflects a highly sophisticated understanding of the subject matter.

The map demonstrates an excellent demonstration of the subject matter, and a high level of critical engagement    The    map provides a sound presentation of the subject matter.
The map needed to evidence a deeper engagement with some of the concepts and topics
The map provides a basic presentation of the concepts, with limited critical reflection and complexity.

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