Gender-Career IAT

visit the Project Implicit website and complete 5 tests to measure implicit biases, (((((I already
completed and give you result)))))prejudices, and/or stereotypes that they may have and are unaware of. Each
student will then write a 5-6-page reflection essay on their results and experience of taking the tests and use 4
articles to relate your writing together.
I pick this topics and did the test , I gave you result so you can use my results in your essay:
1-Gender-Career IAT( result:your data suggest a weak automatic association between science and female .
2- Arab-Muslim IAT( result:your data suggest moderate preference of other people over Arab muslims.
3- Disability IAT( result: your data suggest a weak negative automatic attitude toward disabled persons.
4- Religion IAT(result: your data suggest a weak negative automatic attitude toward judaism.
5- Race IAT(result:your data suggest moderate preference of black people over white people .
Reflection Essay Prompt:
Discuss the terms “social groups” and “categorization.”
Discuss the terms “stereotype” and “implicit bias.”
Define Implicit Bias and some of the biases that may have come up in your tests.
Which tests were most difficult to take and why? Did the tests trigger you in any way, why or why not?
If you had some biases (most people do), what do you think contributed to you having those biases.
How do these biases impact your daily life or your experiences within the field of child & adolescent
Now that you are aware of these biases, what can you do to reduce their impact on your interactions with that
specific group of people and the community at large?
How can you influence a change as a professional in the field when it comes to biases? Can you think of a
creative way to help in improving others’ biases and stereotypes?

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