Gender gap affects women participation in the labor market and political inequality


It should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. It needs to summarize and analyze at least 3 secondary scholarly texts, and synthesize the ideas from that text into your own major claim (your claim is the answer to the question you identified in SA 4). Your claim should be complex (see text book if you don’t remember what that means). You need to mobilize evidence, and make clear the stakes. It is a good idea to utilize a counterargument or concession.

How gender gap affects women participation in the labor market and leads to the
political inequality?

Discuss this question based on 3 articles from American Journal of Political
Science. As Benjain J.Newman’s article, Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Local Gender-
Based Earnings Inequality and Women’s Belief in the American Dream, illustrated
that women’s earning only achieve parity with that of men and their idea towards
politics strongly based on their earnings. Find direct evidence between the
income level of women and their activeness in the political world. Another article to
use as supportive evidence is from Torben Iversen and Frances Rosenbluth. Their The
Political Economy of Gender- Explaining Cross-National Variation in the Gender
Division of Labor and the Gender Voting Gap article talks about that the proportion
of a woman’s income in her family’s total income affect her bargaining power within
the family which associates with women’s bargaining power within the political
preferences. This is a persuasive evidence proves my claim of the degree of
participation in politics strongly based on one’s income level, especially when we talk
about different gender. The last piece found instead of focusing on the inequality of
income distribution towards different gender, it talks about the fact that women’s bias
and lack of self-confidence towards themselves in seed office. As Richard L.Fox and
Jennifer L.Lawless’s article, Gendered Perceptions and Political Candidacies: A
Central Barrier to Women’s Equality in Electoral Politics, illustrated that women are
Huang 2
substantially less likely than similarly situated men to perceive themselves as
qualified to achieve the same work position. This was a interesting topic when
a lot of articles talk about the inequality of the society towards men and women, this
article view the same question from a totally different viewpoint.
Although the gender gap is
closing, it is still a very big issue in today’s society and no one yet find out a way to
solve this problem.

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