Gender Minority Professional Experience Impact Employment Discrimination

Does Gender Minority Professional Experience Impact Employment Discrimination?
The purpose of this assignment is to get insight into different approaches to research as they are applied across cultures. To participate in this assignment:
1) Use the library’s website to find a peer reviewed research article that focuses on some aspect of diversity. Those aspects of diversity can be one of the
following- Gender Differences, LBGTQ Differences, Disability Issues, Differences in Religion, Social Class Differences, or Age Differences. The article you use
must be original research with a METHOD section so that you can determine the MATERIALS (tools/ scales) used and the PARTICIPANT descriiption.
2) Use the Journal Article Summary document to summarize the article.
3) Read The European American Standard on page 49 of your text. Now read the DISCUSSION section of the article. Does the discussion section violate the
argument put forth in this section? Explain your position. This portion of the assignment should be 250- 300 words.


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