General Impression Assessments Correctives Programmatic Considerations


Case Scenario 2: Your client is a 55 year old male. He is 72 inches tall and weighs 170 lbs. He recently underwent angioplasty and had a stent placed in one of his coronary arteries. He is currently taking beta-blockers and a statin drug. 2 years ago, he underwent rotator cuff surgery to repair a partially torn supraspinatus.

When completing the worksheet, consider all information provided in the case scenario.

Case Scenario Worksheet

General Impression Assessments Correctives Programmatic Considerations

Reiterate some of the client’s main issues. Think about weight, body composition, strength, mobility, or cardiovascular issues.

What validated fitness assessments are relevant to the client’s goal?

Think about this holistically. You don’t want to just assess areas where the client has serious issues.

What assessment for all fitness components would you use?

List at least 5 corrective movements based on the client’s musculoskeletal issues.

You have to think about the movement deficiencies that are created from the client’s injuries.

Based on all the previous categories, give an overview of the emphasis of the program.

Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

What are the implications of the

issues your client is presenting with?

What are the future health risks?

How will you need to approach this client’s

health and fitness needs given their current status?

Discuss why you chose the assessment outlined above.

Discuss why you chose the correctives

outlined above.

Detail special considerations

regarding the client’s program. Discuss the most obvious issues

and some less obvious issues that

may need consideration.

This requires an understanding of how

certain health problems affect

multiple aspects of fitness.

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