Genocide, Racial ‘Science; and Human Experimentation in the 19th and 20th Centuries

• Nial Ferguson, Civilization: The West and the Rest, Pages 175-195 • Gerhard Baaber et al, “Pathways to Human Experimentation, 1933-1945: Germany, Japan and the United States” • Zachary Kaufman, “Transitional Justice Delayed is not Transitional Justice Denied: Contemporary Confrontation of Japanese Human Experimentation During World War II…” • 1930s Sterilization Article “Eugenical Sterilization in the United States” by Frances Oswald • Eugenics Records Office Information Packet (On Blackboard) • These can be found on our Blackboard site under “Research Paper Assignment and Required Sources” Module:
Additional Suggested Sources that COULD be used:
• Douglass Skopp, Shadows Walking • Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race (Book) • Sheldon Harris, Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945 (Book) • James Jones, Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (Book) • “Unit 731: Japanese Human Experimentation” Video (Link found on D2L • Any of the documents, links or information that you find under the “Eugenics Archives and Documents Online” link on our D2L Site.
In addition to the aforementioned required and suggested sources, consider the following: Paper Length and Format: • FIVE FULL PAGES of WRITTEN TEXT and ANALYSIS The Assignment:
• Read the REQUIRED sources/articles listed above. • Next, if you wish, read and/or watch the other sources suggested above. • Then, in a well-written, full five page research/analysis paper, I would like you to compare and contrast the various examples of scientific and medical experimentation that was being conducted in the late 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Of the nations noted in the books and articles you read, be the judge, and decide if their actions were justifiable at the time in which they were taking place? If they were, then explain. If they weren’t, then explain that as well. However, make sure to cite the actual nation or people you are discussing throughout the paper. • Other questions and issues to address in your paper: o What kinds of experiments were done? Who were they performed upon? By whom were they performed? In what time period were they being performed? Was there one nation conducting such experiments and “research” first? If so, when were they first taking part in such activities? Who were the people conducting these experiments? o What countries, peoples, or nations were taking part in these exercises? Were any of them more “justified” than the others? If so, why? If not, then why?

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