Germany Research

Research and write a 2 page overview diving into the formal institutions and economy of Germany – the
economic, political and legal structure. Analyze the challenges to doing business in the country from a political
and legal perspective.
In essay form, discuss the following points:
What is its governmental structure? Is it politically stable? What political risks exist?
What kind of economy does it have (market, command, mixed)?
What kind of legal structure does it have? Is it a free and open society? What kind of restrictions do they put on
businesses? Do they protect property rights, contracts, and intellectual property?
What is the state of its economy? GDP (gross domestic product)? Inflation? Economic growth? (Assume previrus conditions.)
What is the percentage of population below poverty line? What is the income disparity? Cost of living?
Standard of living? Quality of life?
What is their foreign direct investment? What are their major exports and imports? Major natural resources?
Major needs?
How is the COVID-19 virus impacting the country? How is the country dealing with the virus?
How would you plan to work with the people and the government of the country? Integrate what you know
about the company with what you now know about the country’s culture and government.
Cite your sources.

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