
Emerging Technologies
New and emerging technologies are rapidly being deployed in the health care arena. Many technologies are converging and providing new tools to support patients in their homes. There is a growing emphasis on ubiquitous computing that allows the technologies to be part of the landscape and not obtrusive. Emerging technologies include smart devices that have decision support tools or artificial intelligence built into the tools. An example of a smart tool is the eye glasses being developed to aid the memory of an Alzheimer’s patient.
The emergence of these new tools is particularly important as we examine the growing elderly population and how we might use these tools to support elderly patients in their homes. This is the new field of Gerontechnology and is receiving a lot of attention from engineers, gerontologists, health care providers and major businesses such as Intel. The additional resources are this section provides information about the emerging technologies.
Read the following:
• Professional Ethics in Gerontechnology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• International Society for Gerontechnology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Now complete the following:
• What is Gerontechnology?
• Why is it important?
• From the article above, how will understanding the role that artificial intelligence plays in healthcare impact your practice?

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