Global Business

  1. As a strategical perspective, how do you read Standard & Poor’s of classification at KSA and what is stable look?
  2. As an economic expert, what is the latest news about our stance of economy and as graduated student, how do you read the latest of classification of KSA stander and poor models 8-2 and what is your recommendation to sustain and improve this local?
  3. Regarding the latest France criticism social regarding Prophet Muhammad, what advice should you give to France companies and your recommendation to do to restore the market confidence again?
  4. What is your reaction and recommendation about technology and space in KSA to reach vision 2030?
  5. How do you read the news of change SAMA (Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency) name to Saudi Central Bank and what is the advises should you suggest of financial regard this news?
  6. Having read the final recommendations of G20 summery that was help KSA. What advices should you suggest to benefit from this recommendation to sustainable development of Saudi Arabis?
  7. In light of your understanding of the absolute, comparative and competitive advantages theories. How can you evaluate Saudi vision and what is your recommendations to achieve these theories?
  8. In light of your understanding of the large Economic theory. What is the role of large economies theory in KSA 2030 vision? What is your suggestion to implement this theory?

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