Global Culture

In the age of technology, we are bombarded by information on a daily basis, not all of it reliable or accurate. Too often on social media we read the headlines of articles and share them without ever looking at their contents. Now, more than ever, it is vital that you evaluate your sources rather than just use and share them because they agree with something you already believe. In the academic world, we call this “checking your biases.”
Step 1: Choose a Topic
• Global Culture • Food Culture • Education • Language • Social Justice • Science & the Environment
Notice how your topic choices are the same as the table of contents headings found in your Norton Mix. Each article in the Norton Mix uses one of the above topics as a broad idea, and then develops it into something much more specific. After choosing a broad topic, you will need to decide upon a much more specific topic while searching for your sources The point of this is to ensure you are choosing sources that could be used effectively in one essay.

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