Global Moral Issues


Chapter 3 of Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation.
Watch the documentary Cowspiracy. This is not a requirement.

You are serving on an international counsel whose purpose is to address the issue of animal suffering around the globe. Your role on the counsel is to inform them of the role factory farming plays on animal suffering. The counsel asks you to make a decision as to whether factory farming is a moral activity and asks that you provide a defense and an explanation for your point of view.

The members of the counsel are unfamiliar with any ethical frameworks, so you’ll need to fill them in on any ethical jargon you plan on using. Furthermore, they ask that you provide them with real-life statistics and data to back your claims.

To do well on this assignment, you’ll need to:
• Explain the utilitarian stance on factory farming
• Explain Singer’s stance on factory farming
• Provide a defense or refutation of Singer’s view
• Discuss the environmental impact of factory farming and the moral significance of that impact
• Definitively state whether or not factory farming is morally permissible and provide your reasoning for the answer you gave.

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