Goals of the United Nations when it was established in 1945

I. What were the goals of the United Nations when it was
established in 1945? How successful has it been in
achieving these goals in the post-1945 period?

3. When analysing the policies of the “communist bloc”
during the Cold War, what was more important to their
outlook communism or nationalism?

3, (a) What role did Cold War rivalry play in either the
Vietnam war OR the Arab-Israeli wars? OR
(b) How did the United States utilise nuclear weapons
during the Cold War period? Assess these strategies.

4. “The ending of the Cold War in the 19805 demonstrated
the ongoing importance of ideology in world politics.”
Assess this statement.

5. Are human rights universal? Do the humanitarian
interventions of the 19903 prove this to be the case?

6. Assess Levinson’s argument that the shipping container
“changed the shape of the world economy.” Did it enable
economic globalisation?

7. Why did “globalisation” become a target for protest in the
late 19905? Were these criticisms justified?

8. Was the ”war on terror” a global campaign against
terrorism or an American campaign against terrorism?
Use examples to illustrate your answer.

9? ls China ready to assume the global leadership role
previously held by the United States?

to. What is populism? How do populist successes, such as the
Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump, affect the
post-Cold War global political and economic settlement?

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