
Shawn and Sofia are looking forward to learning how their company uses marketing techniques and strategies
to build their customer relationships and to grow their business.
Your report should cover the following points. Your report should be approximately 2 pages long, and you
should use at least two resources. One resource should be the corporate web site. A second resource should
be one of their social media sites, such as Facebook or YouTube. Once again, there is a template under
General Information below. The headings in this outline are in the report template for you to use.
Identify the business you are using for this report.
Provide a very brief description of the business.
The Marketing Mix
Describe the products (goods and services) this company offers.
Note: Large corporations usually have numerous products. If this is the case, you can narrow them down to
one category. 2/3
Briefly describe the company’s pricing strategies. Example: Toyota sells economy cars and luxury cars.
Explain how and where this company sells its products.
Note: Many companies have brick and mortar locations as well as an online store and offerings.
What is the main brand (or brands)?
Briefly describe how this company advertises.
Social Media Marketing
Identify and describe how this company uses social networks.
Example: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Describe one way the company uses social media to build and manage customer relationships.
Provide your overall opinion of this company’s marketing strategies.
If you were the marketing manager, describe one change you would make to improve the marketing strategy

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