1. Identify a specific cultural context, other than your own, for sharing the gospel. Ideally,
    choose a culture with:
    a. A specific person you know from that culture
    b. Preferably, an individual who is not currently a follower of Jesus
  2. Include the following 5 headings in your presentation of the gospel:
    a. Background Information: In the first paragraph, introduce whom you intend to
    share the gospel with. What is your relationship with the individual? Provide
    some background information on him/her (i.e. age, ethnicity, gender, geographical
    residence, religious background, current understanding of Jesus and the gospel,
    etc.) If you are not using a real person, you will need to create the background
    information. Remember, this must be a person from a different culture than
    your own.
    b. Elements of Communication: Include a solid paragraph discussing the elements
    of verbal and non-verbal communication that would be important in
    communicating in this context. Discuss how these elements might impact the
    conversation. (For example: some cultures in the world consider it a sign of
    disrespect to look at a superior directly in the eyes in certain types of
    conversations. In other cultures, this same non-verbal behavior would be seen just
    the opposite—as a sign of respect and that the person is tracking with the
    conversation. This understanding has serious implications for how to
    communicate and how to interpret responses during the course of the

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