Grand Rapids Killing


Review the Grand Rapids killing of prostitutes from the 1990’s. Use both sources below and any other sources you may find. Base your conclusion on your own findings not on the conclusion made by somebody else. Do not use a non-credible source (blog, etc.). Review the following writing notes as you go along in order to complete your profile:
Step 2: What is the victimology?
What were the commonalities of the victim (M.O)? Be as complete as possible drugs/prostitution; race; physical size, [psychological, etc.]).
* Was there a preferred choice of a victim?
* Why (or why not) do you think the victims were chosen based on their traits (psychological and M.O.).
* Was there commonality in how the suspect(s) killed the victims? Did it change?
* Is this consistent with the textbook?
* Describe the killer(s) M.O. in killing and any signature elements.
* Why did the suspect kill in this manner? (Psychological and M.O.)
* Could the method of killing be related to victim choice?
Step 3: What is the geographic profile?
* What was the M.O. of the killer(s)?

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