Graphic Organizer

Use a Graphic Organiser to examine how?the school visits have connected, extended and challenged your existing beliefs and expectations about students, teachers and schools, and how you will take action in your learning to explore these challenges:
CONNECT: Outline how what you have seen, heard and read about students, teachers and schools CONNECTS to what you already knew
EXTEND: Outline what new ideas have EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new directions?
CHALLENGE: Outline what is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind around and the questions,
wonderings or puzzles you now have?
TAKE ACTION: Outline what action you will take in your learning to explore these challenges.
Each aspect may be considered separately or collapsed together.

Examples of graphic organiser: choose any from the website below.

Use your Graphic Organiser to support conversation with your seminar leader during a 10 minute Viva Voce.
All arguments/claims must be supported with reference to the unit readings and your wider reading.
The aim of the graphic organiser is to support you to see the relationships between your existing beliefs and expectations and the school visits, assist your engagement in the Vive Voce, and to assist with sharing and learning from others through a ‘Gallery Walk’ in seminars. The Gallery Walk will involve you displaying your Graphic Organiser and talking with your seminar group peers about your task and exploring their tasks. Your Graphic Organiser must therefore be able to be displayed, thus one single piece, no larger than a regular piece of cardboard

2 piece of works – one page of the graphic organiser and 1000 words essay to explain the connection between the graphic organiser

Assessment criteria:
* 1) Outlined how the school visits connect to your existing beliefs ?
* 2) Outlined how the school visits have extended your existing beliefs ?
* 3) Outlined how the school visits challenged your existing beliefs ?
* 4) Outlined actions to take to respond to the challenge ?
* 5) Engaged in the Viva Voce to describe the connections outlined in the graphic organiser ?
* 6) Supported description with reference to unit readings and wider reading ?
* 7) Met requirements for academic writing and met requirements for referencing to develop and support task completion
?9) Addressed feedback provided on Task 2

Required readings ( must use )
Week 3 readings – alternate school visit
Gale, T. Mills, C. & Cross, R. (2017). Socially Inclusive Teaching: Belief, Design, Action as Pedagogic Work. Journal of Teacher Education, 68(3), pp. 345–356.

Thomson, P., Lingard, B. & Wrigley, T. (2015). Reimagining school change: The necessity and reasons for hope. In B. Lingard, G. Thompson & S. Sellar (Ed.s). National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment. Australia: Routledge. Chapter 1, pp 1-14.

Week 4 readings – Ashfield public school ( primary )
Thomson, P. (2002). Schooling the Rustbelt Kids: Making a difference in changing times. Australia: Allen & Unwin, Chapter 1: Vicki & Thanh.

Waters, T. (2012). Schooling, Childhood
and Bureaucracy: Bureaucratizing the
Child. Palgrave: New York. Chapter 4:
Behaviorism, developmentalism, and
Bureaucracy: Leaky first graders, defiant
teenagers, jocks, nerds and the business
model, pp 81-110.

Week 5 readings – Manly selective high school
Loughran, J. (2013). Pedagogy: Making
sense of the complex relationship
between teaching and learning,
Curriculum Inquiry, 43(1), pp 118-141.

Biesta, G.J.J. & Miedemac, S.
(2002). Instruction or pedagogy? The
need for a transformative conception of
education, Teaching and Teacher
Education pp. 173–181.

Week 6 readings
Mockler, N. & Groundwater-Smith, S. (2015) Seeking for the unwelcome truths: beyond celebration in inquiry-based teacher professional learning, Teachers and Teaching, 21:5, 603-614,
Ramaekers, S. (2014). The Pursuit of truth(s) in educational research, in Reid, A. et al. (ed.s). A Companion to Research in Education, Springer.

There is 3 observation visit
1. Sydney Montessori – alternate school
2. Ashfield public school – primary
3. Manly selective high school – secondary school
Notes are provided what happened in the observation

Important to understand whats the different with alternate school and the normal public school. To be able to compare.

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