Gun control


Focus on school shootings NOT rehashing of the familiar argument that has been cycling for decades.
List of things that will result in automatic zero:
1.Disregard for assignment requirements of topic and length.
2.Failure to provide any citation (internal and works cited/references page).
3.Any form of plagiarism, including: a pattern of failure to cite quotes, summaries, or paraphrases, use of another’s paper, use of a paper downloaded from the internet, use of a paper written for another class, etc.
4.Disregard for the types and quantity of sources explained on the prompt
5.Disregard for conventions of quotation integration and explanation
Automatic Deductions — each of these errors will result in an automatic deduction of at least 15 points. 1.The student should not expect to pass the essay with more than one deduction in this section.
2.Grammar errors or sentence construction errors which render the essay incoherent (e.g., excessive fragments, run-ons, etc.)
3.Proofreading errors which hinder meaning and render the essay incoherent (capitalization errors, homophone errors, etc.)
4.Incorrect page formatting
5.Meeting the minimum requirements of development and organization outlined by the assignment.

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