Harassment in the Workplace






This morning the Boss entered your office and told you that he wanted you to prepare a termination for an employee, John. He said that he just found out that John was previously Jane and that this knowledge ate at the core of his religious beliefs and he would not tolerate such aberrant behavior in his organization. As the HR Leader, what would you tell your Boss regarding this matter? And by the way, your Boss is the CEO of the Church of Natural Theolog’s Medical Clinic and John is a Licensed Nurse Practitioner for the Clinic and a lay minister in the Church.
Here are a few references to get you going:
1. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/fighting-sexual-harassment-29532.html
2. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/same-sex-harassment-know-your-rights.html
3. https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/newsroom/wysk/lgbt_examples_decisions.cfm
4. SHRM Article on Avoiding LGBTQ Discrimination in your Benefits Program
5. SHRM Article on What Does the High Court’s LGBTQ Ruling Mean for Employee Benefits

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