Go to https://www.calhospitalprepare.org/hazard-vulnerability-analysis and download the “Hazard Vulnerability
Analysis Tool” and “Instruction Sheet.” Then, conduct a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis using the tool for their
home or work environment, score it, and summarize by identifying the likely hazards they would need to
address in an emergency operations plan. The spreadsheet format will automatically calculate the risk impact
for the student. Using the information from the analysis tool, select 2 to 3 events from the tool that indicate they
are at a high risk. For these 2 to 3 events (e.g., power outage, hurricane), the students should determine how
they can better prepare for this event to mitigate the impact. As an example, for a prolonged power outage at
their home—they would need to flashlights with extra batteries or a generator, back cooking source