Health policy video writing


Develop oral testimony that can be presented to various decision-makers.

Complete the learning activities for this module. Review the Jurns article from Module 1, which presents SBAR as a guide for oral testimony, and Chapter 15 of the Porch textbook, especially boc 15-9 on page 218.

Using Kaltura, create an oral testimony of no longer than four minutes with you on camera that includes:

Remind the class of your selected health policy problem of the proposed legislation that addresses the selected issue from Module 1.
Provide testimony related to your selected issue using the SBAR format.
I-Identify yourself, give your credentials to speak to the issue
S-Situation: Present the issue, the associated legislation by name and number, and your position on the issue
B-Background: Provide information, history, and a personal story if appropriate
A-Assessment: Offer your professional assessment
R-Recommendation: Make a recommendation and ask for their support

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