Health Psychology




Compare and Connect Stress, Coping and Intra- & Interpersonal Factors and Health
Across Health Conditions
To conclude Module 1, you will build a document in which you compare and connect the module topics across
health conditions and with healthy individuals. Below are suggested formats for this Assignment. Creativity and
thoughtful effort is encouraged. This type of Assignment helps with integration of learning and will help you
develop a deeper and broader understanding of the topics of the weeks, your specific assigned health
condition, as well as of the other major health conditions that affect the U.S. population.
Re-read the Week 2 and Week 3 Discussion contributions posted by you and your group members.
Note similarities and differences in what you and others found for the factors studied both weeks in this
module. Why are there differences? Why are there similarities? Are they explained by the characteristics of
each health condition? What other factors may have played a role? Draw conclusions from what you’ve read
on the boards, and also include your own thoughts on what may explain your conclusions.
Organize your findings by factors (stress, coping, personality, etc.). Use subtitles to help you stay focused and
help your Instructor grade effectively.
Compare and connect is a higher-order critical thinking skill. Review the Learning Resource, titled “Writing a
Paper: Comparing and Contrasting,” before you begin your Assignment.
By Day 7
At the end of the module (Week 3), write a brief, focused paper, or create a well-organized table in which you:
Compare and contrast your findings for your assigned health condition with that of others in your team, based
on your collective findings in the group Discussions.
Draw conclusions regarding reasons for similarities and differences among the health conditions.
Cite and reference your assigned readings for the class so far, as well as the readings you located to support
your statements.







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