Healthcare Administration

Read “Repeal Obamacare?” on Page 20 of this week’s text, “Strategic Healthcare Management: Planning and Execution” and address the following questions:

  1. Why does politics have such an important impact on strategy in the healthcare sector?
  2. Why were healthcare organizations merging under the ACA? Why might these strategies have needed to be revisited under a Trump administration?
  3. How does this case demonstrate the difficulty in only having a prospective strategy?
  4. Leadership in Healthcare:

Address ALL questions in part 1 in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words

Part 1:

There are many types of communication styles used in the workplace. Choose what you think is your leadership style: north, south, east, or west. Click The Leadership Compass Self-Assessment link for details. e are many types of communication styles used in the workplace. Choose what you think is your leadership style: north, south, east, or west. Click The Leadership Compass Self-Assessment link for details.

Which of the four directions do you believe is your style?

What are the strengths of your style? (at least four adjectives)

What are the limitations of your style? (at least four adjectives)

Which style do you find the most difficult to work with, and why?

What do the other directions need to know about you so that you can work effectively together?

Part 2.

Address ALL questions in part 2 a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words

Reflect on your leadership style as identified by your results on the leadership compass assessment. After reviewing the lectures and videos think about the Joplin tornado and the devastation it caused, discuss the following:

As the Chief Operating Officer at the Local Hospital in charge of the disaster response. In which ways would your leadership style be beneficial? In which ways could your leadership style be a detriment? And finally, what ways do you need to develop as a leader to adequately lead a disaster response?

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