Healthcare information technology

Responses should be free from spelling, grammar, and sentence structure errors, and explanation of
abbreviations provided.

Question 1:

  1. A staff nurse has been assigned to lead a Quality Improvement (QI) Task Force to develop a one-page
    fact sheet for patient education about the proper use of the Internet to obtain health information. Who
    should be a member of the QI Task Force? identify five teaching points that should be included on the fact

Question 2:

  1. Describe healthcare information technology issues related to confidentiality, security and ethics. Include
    one example for each issue identified

Question 3:

  1. Research the topic of “Patient Portals” associated with Electronic Health Records (EHR). Perhaps the
    EHR at your facility has an attached or integrated Patient Portal where patients can communicate back and
    forth with their provider (physician or mid-level or physician’s office personnel). Discuss quality and safety
    advantages, disadvantages and potential problems which may be associated with Patient Portal use and
    what can be done proactively to avoid those problems.

Question 4:

  1. The director of a nursing program is asking the chief nursing officer (CNO) of a large hospital if students
    can bring their electronic devices to the hospital to do their nursing care plans. The CNO has requested
    that you attend the meeting with her/him to visit with the nursing program director. Identify five questions
    and/or concerns that you will bring to the meeting, and why?

Question 5:

  1. Healthcare information technology is identified as an essential too! for advancing improvement in patient
    outcomes. Nurses, physicians, inter professional teams, patients and families rely increasingly on HIT to
    communicate, manage information, mitigate error potential, and make informed decisions. Describe how
    HIT can be used to improve patient outcomes. (Do not choose as your topics the following: smart pumps,
    bar-coded medication administration or monitors interfaced to automatically document in the EHR. Be more
    creative in your topic choice.) reece Recce Tae _

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