Heart palpitations complains

Heart palpitations complains

Post is a combination of three asighnments

a 69 year-old male who presents to your clinic with complaints heart palpitations and light headedness on and off for the past month. He has a history of hypertension
and is currently prescribed HCTZ.
Vital Signs: B/P 180/95, Irregular HR 78, Resp. 20, Weight 99 kilograms
lower extremities with moderate 3+edema noted bilaterally, ABD + BS, Neuro AOX3,
Labs: NA 143mEq/L, CL 99 mmol/L BUN 18mg/dL, Hbg 15.
• What are your treatment goals for Mr. Russell today?
• What is your pharmacologic plan; please state your rationale for your plan?
• What are five key patient education points based on your plan?

What are your treatment goals for Mr. Russell today?
My treatment plan for Mr. Russell would include getting his blood pressure to an average level to take care of the heart palpitations and lightheadedness. The next
step would be to treat the edema, which might be occurring as a result of the high blood pressure. And lastly, develop a plan to help reduce his weight, which at 99kgs
could be dangerous to his health.
What is your pharmacologic plan; please explain your rationale for your plan
month. He has a history of hypertension and is currently prescribed HCTZ.
Vital Signs: B/P 180/95, Irregular HR 78, Resp. 20, Weight 99 kilograms
lower extremities with moderate 3+edema noted bilaterally, ABD + BS, Neuro AOX3,
Labs: NA 143mEq/L, CL 99 mmol/L BUN 18mg/dL, Hbg 15.
• What are your treatment goals for Mr. Russell today?
• What is your pharmacologic plan; please state your rationale for your plan?
• What are five key patient education points based on your plan?

What are your treatment goals for Mr. Russell today?
My treatment plan for Mr. Russell would include getting his blood pressure to an average level to take care of the heart palpitations and lightheadedness. The next
step would be to treat the edema, which might be occurring as a result of the high blood pressure. And lastly, develop a plan to help reduce his weight, which at 99kgs
could be dangerous to his health.
What is your pharmacologic plan; please explain your rationale for your plan
My pharmacological plan includes changing the medication that Mr. Russell is taking since the on and off lightheadedness and palpitation show that the drug is not
effective in controlling his pressure. Therefore, trying out other forms of medication can help. Prescription of a drug such as Triamterene should be done, which can
be combined with HTCZ to treat both edema and high blood pressure (Alexander, 2017). Triamterene is a potassium-sparing diuretic that interferes with sodium
reabsorption at the distal tubules thus decreasing potassium secretion. The drug works better when used in combination with HTCZ (Alexander, 2017). For the weight
loss, I would recommend a strict dieting regiment that ensures Mr. Russell calorie intake is reduced and also the use of anti-obesity drugs such as Orlistat, which can
reduce the intestinal fat absorption (Kim, Lin, Blomain, & Waldman, 2011).
What are five key patient education points based on your plan
The first key patient education is to know how many calories he should take per day. The second is possible food-drug interactions, Mr. Russell should know what foods
to avoid such as alcohol (Bloch, & Basile, 2017). Thirdly, he should know the potential side effects of the new drugs prescribed to him and their expected mode of
action. Fourth, there is need to know what to do if he misses a dose or in case of overdose. And lastly, he should understand what special diet instructions his
condition requires him to have.

2: School of Business Admission Essay

Order Description

Explain to the committee why you feel a specific Business major that you are applying for is right for you. demonstrate with at least one concrete example of what you
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Leadership, Global Engagement, and Diversity. Select one core value that best represents you and share with the committee one concrete example of how you embody this
value in your work towards achieving your goal of joining the School of Business.

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The different types of speech anxiety that may impact you in the course and has impacted you in the past and Strategies from the book you plan on implimenting to try
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