

First, pick a biblical passage from Hebrews-Revelation that you are interested in learning more about. This can be a single verse, or a larger set of verses that share the same idea (no more than ~10 verses), but not a whole chapter. After picking a biblical passage, narrow down the top 1-2 aspects of this passage that you are most interested in researching (e.g., how do interpreters read “no one who is born of God sins” in 1 John 3:9? Do they think that means Christians never sin again after baptism? Or that Christians don’t sin in a particular way?). Do not proceed into your research without narrowing down what most interests you about the passage you have chosen.
• Second, research three different interpretations, one each from the periods listed above. Look for interpretations that address what you are most interested in about your passage. Look for interpretations that are significantly different from one another, not interpretations that all say exactly the same thing. Use the resources listed below to find each interpreter’s own words on the biblical passage (don’t read some modern person talking about how Gregory the Great interpreted the passage – go read Gregory the Great’s own words). A good place to start is with the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture or Reformation Commentary on Scripture volumes.




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