High Technology and Service

Consider the impact of Schumpeter’s theory of creative destruction.

Select and discuss one recent technological innovation using the concepts on p. 231 of Hodson and Sullivan. (For example, the iPad). Some sources of information include websites of manufacturers and major retailers.

Technological innovations include all changes to the means and processes of invention, production, sales/distribution, and consumption. The change chosen may be in people, plant, or process. Often an innovation may include all three.

– Estimate the number of new jobs created by this innovation in your career field. Include competitors (i,e., Android tablets etc., notebook computers, laptops, desk tops, and mainframes) and peripheral equipment, repair workers etc.

– Estimate the number of jobs that will be lost by this innovation.

– What percentage of these jobs are created (lost) inside the U.S. and what percentage are created (lost) outside of the United States.

– What technologies are being replaced by the new technology?

– Looking at the next twenty years, how do you think your career field will be affected by innovation?

– How can you best protect yourself from being trapped in in a obsolete position, or business (i.e., Blockbuster instead of Netflix – or the company that will replace Netflix).

B. Hodson and Sullivan Chapter 10 Services

Discuss ONE of the following using the key concepts on page 255 of Hodson and Sullivan:

a. Define “sectoral transformation of the labor force.”

– Define at least three sectors and show how they have changed as a proportion of the labor force since 1900 or 1950. (Use the Federal Government URLs for numbers).

– What changes do you expect in the next twenty years?

– How has sectoral transformation of the labor force been related to average pay? For example, did workers moving from the agricultural to manufacturing sector increase or decrease their earnings? How about workers moving from the manufacturing to the service sectors?


b. Hodson and Sullivan suggest that service sector jobs tend to include both emotional work and routine work.

– Select a job in the service sector and discuss it in terms of “emotional work” and “routine work.”

Write or copy a short newspaper advertisement describing the a service job in your career field and what is required of applicants seeking the job. Be sure to indicate both the emotional and routine aspects of the job. Your advertisement should also comply with legal requirements.


a. What did you learn from this lesson?

b. How could this lesson be improved?

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