Hillary’s High Negative Approval Ratings

Hillary Clinton, whether you like her or not, is one of the most accomplished political figures in modern American history. She is Yale Law School graduate; she has been the trained successful attorney, social justice activist, First Lady of the United States, Senator (D-NY), and Secretary of State. In 2016 she became the first female presidential nominee of a major US political party. Yet, public opinion polls indicate she has high negative approval ratings. Here is a recent Gallup poll: http://www.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/184469/clinton-status-independents-gop-comes-full-circle.aspx?g_source=clinton&g_medium=search&g_campaign=tiles
What factors do you think contribute to Mrs. Clinton’s high negative approval ratings, and eventual defeat in the 2016 Presidential general election? Do not focus on a particular incidents such as the the possible Russian hacking and release of e-mail leaks or Benghazi. Please go deeper and consider other variables such as the psychological factors of trust or personality, gender discrimination, the role of the media, political motives of her opponents, etc. Given the high negatives, if you were a political consultant, what would you advise Mrs. Clinton do to change the negative images she has with the American public?

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