Hiring, Interviewing, and Other Employer Responsibilities


There are three parts of this assignment: development of a process, writing a job description, and formulating interview questions. Each must be presented in a separate Word document, with formatting and document names that would be appropriate for the workplace.
Do not format your documents to look anything like APA papers.
• Paragraphs should be single-spaced with a blank line between paragraphs. Indenting first lines is therefore not needed because it is clear where new paragraphs begin.
• Lists should be single-spaced.
• Do not include a running head or other APA style elements.
• It is acceptable but not required to have a cover page for your documents. If you choose to do this, use the same cover for all three documents for the sake of consistency (as you would in the workplace for branding purposes) and make sure the cover pages do not look like APA papers.
• As always, do not copy any of the instructions into your document.
Formality, neatness, clear organization, and readability are expected.
You are now one of the top IT managers for 504 Technologies (congratulations!) and realize the need for hiring a new tech employee. The company has not yet set up a hiring process and the CEO has tasked you with creating one before writing the job description and planning for interviews.
Check the Reading PDF from this unit for additional information before beginning this assignment.
For all parts:
• You may also like to review source material for general ideas, but all parts of this assignment need to come from your own experiences, understanding, and critical thinking. Direct use of source material is not allowed.
• Format each document so that it looks professional and is highly readable. Do not include title/cover pages (which would just be wasted paper in the workplace).
• In each document, include your first and last names under the content to identify yourself as the author.
• As you save your work, use a logical, descriptive name for each file. Do not include the course number, unit number, or your name.
Document 1: Develop a hiring process.
• Content:
o Write a suitable descriptive title in the document.
o Include at least six distinct steps.
 Provide enough detail so that someone else would be able to easily understand and follow all steps and sub-steps of this process.
• Other instructions:
o Write in complete sentences, and present your process in a numbered list
o This document must contain 200–250 words. Should you find this difficult to attain, include your reasoning for the steps.
Document 2: Write a job description.
• Preparation: Choose a career from the following list. If you wish to investigate an IT career not on this list, you must receive prior permission from the professor (ask via email). Note that the professor reserves the right to deny requests, and if this occurs, will give you a reason.
o Computer Programmer
o Cybersecurity Specialist
o Database Administrator
o Graphics/Multimedia Designer
o Information Security Analyst
o IT Project Manager
o Network Administrator

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