History And Characteristics Of Public Health Nursing


Differentiate public health nursing as a distinct discipline in nursing.
Explain the evolution and impact of public health nursing on public health in the United States.
Discuss the role of the three core functions and ten essential public health services in shaping the field and purpose of public health nursing.
READ and answer the questions with at least 250 words per each answer and 2 references per each answer.
Explore the state initiative 211.org website found in topic Resources.
Review the three core functions and ten essential services of public health found in the textbook. Discuss how they have shaped the field and purpose of
public nursing. Then, explain how these core functions and essential public health services are incorporated into the following scenario:
Imagine, as a public health nurse, that a 23-year-old recently unemployed single mother of a 6-month-old and 2-year-old enters your facility seeking your
assistance for support in services for housing, food assistance, health care, and referrals for daily needs. Using these core functions and services, identify
agencies within your community and the services they provide that may benefit this family.
Assessment Descriiption
Explore the state initiative 211.org website found in topic Resources.
Review the three core functions and ten essential services of public health found in the textbook. Discuss how they have shaped the field and purpose of
public nursing. Then, explain how these core functions and essential public health services are incorporated into the following scenario:
Imagine, as a public health nurse, that a 23-year-old recently unemployed single mother of a 6-month-old and 2-year-old enters your facility seeking your
assistance for support in services for housing, food assistance, health care, and referrals for daily needs. Using these core functions and services, identify
agencies within your community( houston Texas) and the services they provide that may benefit this family.

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