History essay


For EACH one you choose, you MUST WRITE AN ESSAY OF ABOUT 2-3 PAGES. THIS IS FOR EACH ESSAY!!! IN ADDITION, FOLLOW ALL RULES OF MLA STYLE. Thus, your total product should be about 6-9 pages, in exact MLA STYLE, which means double-spaced with exact MLA formatting throughout.

  1. Write an essay in which you discuss what you think were the TWO most important features of life in Me-sopotamia. Be specific. Explain each one; why you chose each one; and what each one’s effect was on life in Mesopotamia.

2.Write an essay in which you discuss your opinion of how the social structure of Vedic India compares with those of ancient Southwest Asia and China. Be specific, and use AT LEAST ONE EXACT MLA STYLE QUOTE FROM CHAPTER II AND ONE EXACT MLA STYLE QUOTE FROM CHAPTER III.

  1. Using Chapter I as your guide, explain what caused humans to introduce technological and other in-novations; how these innovations increased humans’ abilities to determine their own destinies; and how scholars have reconstructed life in the earliest periods of human existence despite the lack of written re-cords. Be specific. Use examples. USE AT LEAST ONE EXACT MLA-STYLE QUOTATION

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