READ CHAPTER 14: In law enforcement there are 3 main styles of policing:
Problem Oriented Policing
Zero Tolerance Policing
Community Policing
In the readings of Chapter 14, there is a focus on community policing. What is community policing and how can it be useful in combating terrorism?
Problem-Oriented Policing is a unit in most police departments that works with communities that have challenges and to ensure crimes are prevented.
Zero Tolerance Policing is policing engagement with public compliance not putting up with anything.
Community Policing is another unit that is out in the community that they serve their making contact with different ethnicity of citizens to be familiar and build a relationship within the people in the area and find more about the different crimes that occur. To ensure they are keeping the community safe. That helps officers out to get problems resolved by obtaining information for residents and businesses that is what is needed to be done to be a successful officer.
The way community policing can be useful in combating terrorism is by doing an investigation a terrorist attack is a crime scene that evidence by authority officials needs to be collected, witnesses must be recognized, interviewed must take place, if unable to make arrest suspects must be identified. Most police departments are prepared and have many responsibilities for any terrorist attacks they are the ones that get dispatched to those calls. Furthermore, many police officials may equate. According to chapter 14 homeland security and policing has examined calls for possible terrorist activities. Pg 397 (Gaines and Kappeler believes that most police departments should have a homeland security unit in place to ensure many strategies