Homeland Security and Responding to the Stateless Revolutionaries

Some terrorist movements operate exclusively on an international scale and have little or no domestic
presence in a home country. There are different reasons for this strategy: Some groups espouse a global
ideological agenda that requires them to fight on behalf of a vague concept of the oppressed of the world.
Other groups operate within an environment that mandates as a matter of practicality that they operate
internationally. They strike from operational havens across state borders and often move around from country
to country.
These movements are essentially stateless, in the sense that they have no particular home country that they
seek to liberate, there is no homeland to use as a base, or their group has been uprooted from the land that
they are fighting for. Among these stateless extremist movements are secular ideological revolutionaries,
sectarian radicals fighting on behalf of a faith, and representatives of stateless ethnonational groups.

  1. How should domestic agencies with homeland security duties prepare for the possibility of incidents from
    stateless revolutionaries?
  2. Which agencies should have priority authority in designing policies to counter the threat from stateless

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