Hoosiers (1986) Film


Hoosiers (1986): Hoosiers is a 1986 film about Indiana high school basketball, directed by David Anspaugh and starring .

Hackman stars as Norman Dale, a former big-time college basketball coach who comes to the tiny town Hickory, Indiana in 1951 to coach Hickory High School’s equally-tiny basketball team. Dale must overcome his own troubled past, win over the humble-yet-all-the-while-skeptical Hickory townsfolk, and get his players to believe in themselves before the game they play. In his spare time, he romances a schoolteacher played by Barbara Hershey. co-stars as “Shooter” Flatch, a former Hickory High basketball star turned alcoholic hobo, who starts on a redemption quest of his own when he becomes one of Dale’s coaches.

Here is a small clip from the movie: .

Please watch and analyze leadership case study “Hoosiers” (1986 Movie) while taking notes then write reflection paper. The paper should be, at minimum 2 pages, which encompasses any or all aspects of the case including:

Organizational Culture
Group / Team dynamic


Identify leadership and management concepts , contrast leadership styles, discuss culture and teamwork you have learned in the course that you recognized in the video then support your position using scholarly sources. (See a list of themes for this case at the bottom of the page).

Use your critical thinking skills. Consider how this case relates to leadership situations in business or a situation you have experienced when dealing with complex and difficult decisions. The paper should include a brief introduction and a conclusion. There is no one best answer. Each student will not approach this assignment the same and responses will vary.

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