How 3D printing can contribute to the food security in Singapore

Write 1500 words essay about how 3D printing can contribute to the food security in Singapore
Food security in Singapore has been a key topic of interest. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) is looking

into technology innovations to ensure food security (Source:
3D food printing is one of such emerging technologies. It is known that food are mostly made up of natural

polymers. Choose one of the following topics and write a proposal on how 3D printing can contribute to

the food security in Singapore.

  1. Rice
  2. Flour
  3. Vegetable
  4. Meat

Show the current global supply chain of the food you choose
Describe what is 3D food printing
Propose potential links between 3D food printing and food supply chain for the food you choose
Discuss how 3D food printing can contribute to the food security in Singapore for the food you choose

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