How artificial intelligence and automation affect employment across various industries


– Investigate how artificial intelligence and automation affect employment across various industries. Discuss
ethical considerations regarding job displacement, economic inequality, and the role of AI in creating new job
opportunities. Consider policies that could mitigate negative impacts on workers.
-Students will compose their own individual research paper. You will be able to select a topic (see list below)

– create an ethical argument that you will seek to prove or disprove based upon the research you read and
original data that you anonymously collect. As of the first day of class, your research paper is now assigned.
Start working on this soon and do not procrastinate. Please review the Research Paper Guidelines.
This research paper is indeed what it implies… research. This process requires you to read and review literature
(books, online articles, journals, and some academic videos) to gain the knowledge to present the findings on a
predetermined topic. The topic must have a problem that you are seeking to solve. Each section within the paper
needs to be addressed and should be well organized and easy for the reader to follow.

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