How economies of scale can be a barrier to entry.

Chapter 9
9-1 (Barriers to Entry) Explain how economies of scale can be a barrier to entry.
9-2 (Barriers to Entry) Identify the other two barriers to entry and explain how they block now firms from the market.
9-3 (Monopoly) Suppose that a certain manufacturer has a monopoly on the sorority and fraternity ring business( a constant-cost industry) because it has persuaded the “Greeks” to give it exclusive right to their insignia.
a. Using demand and cost curves, draw a diagram depicting the firm’s profit-maximizing price and output levels.
b. Why is marginal revenue less than price for this firm?
c. On your diagram, show the deadweight loss that occurs because the output level is determined by a monopoly rather than by a competitive market.
d. What would happen to price and output if the Greeks decided to charge the manufacture a royalty fee for $3 per ring?
9-8 (Conditions for Prices Discrimination) List three conditions that much be met for a monopolist to price discriminate successfully.
9-10 (Perfect Price Discriminations) Why is the perfectly discriminating monopolist’s marginal revenue curve identical to the demand curve in faces?

Chapter 10
10-1 (Short-Run Profit Maximization) A monopolistically competitive firm faces the following demand and cost structure in the short run:
Output Price FC VC TC TR Loss
0 $100 $100 $0 _ _ _ 1 90 50 _ _
2 80
90 _ _
3 70
150 _ _
4 60
230 _ _
5 50
330 _ _
6 40
450 _ _
7 30
590 _ _ __
a. Complete the table.
b. What is the highest profit or lowest loss available to this firm?
c. Should this firm operate or shut down in the short run? Why?
d. What is the relationship between marginal revenue and marginal cost as the firm increases output?

10-2(Monopolistic Competition and Perfect Competition Compared) Illustrated below are the marginal cost and average total cost curves for a small firm that is long-run equilibrium.
a. Locate the long-run equilibrium price and quantity if the firm is perfectly competitive.
b. Label the price and quantity ?1 and q1
c. Draw in a demand and marginal revenue curve to illustrate long-run equilibrium if the firm is monopolistically competitive firm?
d. How the monopolistically competitive firm’s price and output compare to those of the perfectly competitive firm?
e. How do long-run profits compare for the two types of firms?

10-3 (Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition) Why is a firm in monopolistic competition said to be competitive? In what sense is that firm monopolistic?

10-6 (Price Leadership) Why Might a Price leadership model of oligopoly not be and effective means of collusion in a oligopoly?

10-7 (Collusion and Cartels) Why would each of the following induce some members of OPEC to cheat on their cartel agreement?
a. Newly joined cartel members are less-developed countries.
b. The number of cartel members doubles firm 12 to 24
c. International debts of some members grow.
d. Expectations grow that some members will cheat.

10-8 (Collusion and Cartels) Use revenue and cost curves to illustrate and explain the sense in which a cartel behaves like a monopolist.

10-9 Game Theory) Suppose there are only two automobile companies, Ford and Chevrolet. Ford believes that Chevrolet will match any price it sets, but Chevrolet to is interested in maximizing profit. Use the following price and profit data to answer the following questions.
Ford’s Chevrolet’s Ford’s Chevrolet’s
Selling Selling Profits Profits
Price Price (millions) (millions)
$ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 8 $ 8
$ 4,000 $ 8,000 $12 $ 6
$ 4,000 $12,000 $14 $ 2
$ 8,000 $ 4,000 $ 6 $12
$ 8,000 $ 8,000 $10 $10
$ 8,000 $12,000 $12 $ 6
$12,000 $ 4,000 $ 2 $14
$12,000 $ 8,000 $ 6 $12
$12,000 $12,000 $ 7 $ 7
a. What price will Ford charge?
b. What price with Chevrolet charge once Ford has set its price?
c. What is Ford’s profit after Chevrolet’s response?
d. If the two firms collaborated to maximize joint profits, what price would they set?
e. Given your answer to part (d), how could undetected cheating on price cause the cheating form’s profit to rise?

10-10 Game Theory) While grading a final exam, an economics professor discovers that two students have virtually identical answers. She is convinced the two cheated but cannot prove it. The professor speaks with each student separately and offers the following deal: Sign a statement admitting to cheating. If both students sign the statement, each will receive and “F” for the course. If only one signs, he is allowed to withdraw from the course while the other student is expelled. If neither signs, both receive a “C” because the professor does not have sufficient evidence to prove cheating.
a. Draw the payoff matrix.
b. Which outcome do expect? Why?

10-11 (oligopoly Behavior) Why is firm behavior under oligopoly so difficult to predict?

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