How Romantic view of nature compare to later views of nature

  1. We have discussed more than one form of realism in this section. Choose examples for each form and discuss the similarities and differences between them.
  2. How does a Romantic view of nature compare to later views of nature, as seen in the visual arts?
  3. How are changes in our understanding of our social, cultural, or natural world reflected in changes in architecture during the period covered by these modules?
  4. What is the most significant component of philosophical or social thought during this period in relation to either the status of Africans (and the African diaspora) or the status of Native Americans?
  5. Choose a contemporary example of Romanticism (that is, contemporary to us) that was not used in the module or by anyone in the discussions. What makes it Romantic, and in what way does it deviate from the ideal of Romanticism?

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