How Social Media Is Having a Positive Impact On Our Culture

[OPINION] & Adverse Effects of Online Social Networking on Children and Adolescents.
For this essay, you will read and analyze Josh Rose’s essay, “How Social Media is Having a Positive Impact on Our Culture.” You will conduct your own research to find one secondary source “Adverse Effects of Online Social Networking on Children and Adolescents” that opposes Rose’s claim. Then, compose a thesis-driven essay that answers the following question: which author displays more successful/effective usage of rhetorical appeals? Your goal is NOT to state whose argument was right or wrong. This is an analysis of the use of rhetorical appeals. Like your previous essay, you must acknowledge differing opinions in your writing. This may stem from your secondary source or from your own experience. You must write for an academic audience; essentially, this is your instructor and your peers. Consider, furthermore, that your audience must be informed about the essentials of rhetorical appeals.

Questions to consider: Which essay was more convincing? Why? Did one argument feel “weaker” than the other? Why? What would make the argument stronger? What appeals did the author use (the most/the least)? Did the author omit particular appeals? What effect does this have? Who is the author’s audience? How does the audience effect the appeals used? What examples/support does the author provide to support their claim?

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